
罗彻斯特社区与技术学院是美国易胜博协会的成员之一 明尼苏达州立系统. The 校董会 管理全州范围内的社区和技术学院及州立大学系统.

易胜博主席向明尼苏达州汇报工作 Chancellor. 总统办公室是 plans, policies, and operational decisions crucial to institutional progress; and to fulfill the responsibilities of administration, 总统内阁由负责学院具体职能的人员组成.


总统的内阁是一个决策小组, 建立以设定优先事项, 建立目标和预算, 并就对学院至关重要的事务向校长提出建议. (单击标题可查看每个区域的组织结构图.)

Jeffery S. Boyd, Ed.D • SS204507-285-7215jeffery.boyd@wolaipei.com

The President 是书院的行政长官,直接执行或委托执行, 所有与学院运作有关的行政及行政职责.



米歇尔·派弗伦,M.B.A • SS218507-285-7256michelle.pyfferoen@wolaipei.com

The 教务处副主席 is the Chief Academic Officer with responsibility for the development/ coordination of the College’s instructional programs and oversees the College’s accreditation. 教务长向教务处副院长汇报工作.



Teresa Brown, Ph.D. • SS208507-285-7217teresa.brown@wolaipei.com

The 学生事务副主席 is the Chief Student Affairs Officer with responsibility for the College’s student services areas (i.e., admissions, advising, financial aid, and student life), 与学术事务密切合作, the position 负责 developing opportunities that bridge academic and student affairs programs.


财务和设施副总裁(首席财务) Officer)
凯利·派弗伦,M.B.A •  SS157507-285-7472kelly.pyfferoen@wolaipei.com

The 财务和设施副总裁 首席财务官是否负责学院的商业事务, 辅助企业, safety, 保安及设施.



人力资源和公平部副总裁(首席人力资源) & 多样性官)
The 人力资源和公平部副总裁 is the Chief Human Resources Officer with responsibility for employee relations and labor agreements. 该职位是学院的平权行动官员, 多样性的官, 以及《易胜博》(ADA)协调员.


Mirwais Qader, E.M.B.A. • CF213 • 507-281-7787 • mirwais.qader@wolaipei.com 

The 首席信息官 负责 providing technology strategic leadership and executive management of all information technology including cyber security, 技术风险管理, 行政及学术计算, 以及媒体相关技术.


Nate Stoltman, M.A. • EA133 • 507-536-5604 • nate.stoltman@wolaipei.com

The 传播、营销和对外关系执行董事 负责领导学院的市场营销, advertising, 公共/媒体/社区关系和沟通项目, 并协助确定目标和策略,以进一步推动学院的使命.



Megan Tate • SS203 • 507-285-7216 • megan.tate@wolaipei.com

The 行政助理 supports the President and provides guidance to the Cabinet in expectations set by the President.  The position is a point of contact for the 总统办公室 and is the liaison/key communication link between the President and the various constituency groups.


除了总统的内阁和总统办公室, 院长和副院长协助院长制定学院的战略方向. (点击下面的标题,查看其余领域的组织结构图.)

Brenda Frame, Ed.D. • M2401 • 507-280-2814 • brenda.frame@wolaipei.com



Jason Jadin, M.S. • HS107 • 507-536-5681jason.jadin@wolaipei.com




Matt Durand职业、技术、商业和劳动力教育学院临时院长/基金会主任
Matt Durand, M.Ed. •  H1004 • 507-280-3152 • matt.durand@wolaipei.com



学术运作和机构效率副总裁Dr. Alissa Oelfke
Alissa Oelfke, Ph.D. • SS306 • 507-285-7245 • alissa.oelfke@wolaipei.com



Larry Frazier • SS139 • 507-280-5504 • larry.frazier@wolaipei.com



易胜博护理副院长Annette Caflisch说护理学副院长
Annette Caflisch, m.s.S.N., Ed.D., R.N. • HS105 • 507-285-7143 • annette.caflisch@wolaipei.com







2024 - 25委员会


共享治理被认为是易胜博运作中重要且必要的一部分. 以下是通过协商合同或政策来建立的,以确保共享治理.

AFSCME劳动/管理: Per Article 31, AFSCME协议第3条, a local Labor/Management Committee shall be established for the purpose to improve communications between the College and the local union, 并充当讨论共同关心的问题的论坛.

MAPE会面及商议: 根据MAPE协议第32条, a local Meet and Confer Committee is established for the purpose of improving communications between the College and the Local MAPE Union and serve as a forum for issues of mutual concern.

学术事务与标准委员会(AASC): Per Article 8, 第2节msf主协议, the purpose of AASC is to provide a forum to which management and faculty bring all proposals regarding academic affairs and standards.  The purpose of the Council is to provide direction for the President’s designee (Executive Vice President Academic Affairs) in all matters included in academic affairs, 包括课程大纲, 奖的需求, 学术标准, 课程和项目组成部分以及课程和项目提供的清单. In addition, a locally established Academic Standards subcommittee currently exists under AASC with a charge of hearing and acting on unique academic appeals and formulating policy recommendations on repetitive academic appeals.

学院共同管理委员会(FSGC): Per Article 8, 第1节msf主协议, FSGC meets with the President and Vice Presidents for the purpose of a forum to make recommendations to the President on the following topic areas:  Personnel, Student Affairs, Facilities, 财务事务及一般事务.  理事会有充分的权力在这些会议上提出教员的意见. In addition, a locally established Faculty Evaluation subcommittee currently exists under FSGC with a charge of reviewing and forwarding recommended changes for the faculty evaluation process and forms; Faculty Development is charged with identifying and assisting in planning faculty development opportunities, and FIDG is charged with reviewing FIDG applications and determining grant awards for faculty proposals.

Campus Safety: Per Article 11, AFSCME协定第2节和第22条, MAPE协议第4条, 学校成立了安全委员会,负责在校园内进行安全/健康检查, 并就学生安全的各个方面提出建议, 工作人员和访客到校园.

Senate/Cabinet: The Student Senate Executive Board meets with the 总统内阁 and Director of Student Life as an opportunity for the Student Senate to share input on campus operations, curriculum, student life, general matters, 以及其他共同关心的问题. In addition, other student committees are established by the Student Senate to provide input into issues pertinent to student life.

学生操守委员会: Reviews evidence and 证人证词 determine whether a violation of Student Conduct occurred, 并决定任何适用的制裁(s),如果违反学生行为政策.


Four Strategic Committees are established to lead and implement College Strategic Plan goals and strategies:

  • Student Success: 领导和实施学院的战略目标:学生的成功
    • 学生学习评估(ASL) 工商管理委员会小组委员会, ,负责落实《易胜博》所载的各项措施.
  • 制度有效性: 领导和实施学院的战略目标:机构的可持续性.
  • 公平与包容: 领导和实施学院的战略目标:多元化,公平和包容.
  • Community Impact: Amplify the College’s influence through diverse collaborations with community and business partners to advance economic impact and career preparedness. 

Operational Teams

学院的每个分部都成立团队来完成特定的业务职能. 这些团队可能是跨职能的,也可能不是,这取决于他们的职责.


  • 发展教育: 负责协调易胜博的发展教育战略和举措 系统办公,具有当前的焦点 在数学途径和发展一个必要的英语模式.
  • 院校覆核委员会: 负责对涉及人类受试者的拟议研究进行伦理审查 monitoring 继续研究. 这样的研究请求必须是 submitted 经教务处副校长批准后实施.
  • Online Education: 监督在线教育战略计划的实施, Workplace, 持续提高在线教育和学术技术的质量, 并向学院领导层提供最新情况和建议.


  • 开始规划: Plans the Spring Semester 毕业典礼,包括推荐演讲者和协调活动.
  • 战略招生行动小组(S.E.A.T.): Responsible for developing activities that advance our enrollment efforts and to develop strategies to maximize student recruitment and retention using market research.  我们的首要目标是提高学生的入学率和保留率.  可以成立子团队来评估和制定具体的战略活动. 这项工作将与其他业务小组共同完成, 战略委员会, 以及其他委员会.
  • 学生成功日:计划秋季学期学生成功日活动


  • Campus Safety: 遵守一些议价协议, primary responsibility is to adequately address employee safety issues comprehensively and inclusively at the campus and ensure all campus employees have representatives advocating for their safety on campus.  Members must solicit employee safety concerns and present them at the meetings and shall champion performance and implementation of programs that promote safety.  The team will conduct inspections of worksites at least annually; review campus training records to ensure compliance; make recommendations on to the campus administration; and address environmental health and safety issues. 


  • 资讯科技委员会:该团队定义有效的和全校范围的IT操作政策, standards, 程序及指引.  它为项目和运营工作定义了平衡的资源管理方法. It evaluates key technology project requests and recommends those that should be considered for investment by the College. 
  • NextGen本地过渡管理团队: 由于明尼苏达州的规模和范围, the NextGen project will engage every institution for their assistance in complex set of activities and communications. Local teams of cross-functional leaders/subject matter experts serve a critical function to connect each institution to NextGen.


  • 偏见事件反应小组: This 该队由明尼苏达州立大学授权 and 负责 responding to bias 提供事故 support, resources, 并将他们转介给那些受伤的人,通过更新和 providing 发展机会以校园社会为契机 warranted.
  • 易胜博基金会董事会: 易胜博基金会是一个独立的董事会 exists 来影响易胜博学生项目的质量Through active, 正在进行的推动社区慈善事业的活动, 基金会的目标是发展多元化 amount 足够的资源为所有学生提供负担得起的教育, 增加价值和卓越的方案提供 at 易胜博, and help insulate the institution for future economic and political forces by filling in gaps in state funding.
  • 学生操守小组: This panel is established 根据易胜博政策.6 (Procedure 3.6.1 .违反学生行为,并被指控 审查证据 & 证人证词 determine 是否发生了违反学生行为的行为,以及 determines 如果违反学生行为政策,任何适用的制裁.
  • CARE Team: The charge of the CARE team is to provide care and support for students who may be in distress and to work to prevent student behaviors that are disruptive or pose a threat to the College Community.
  • Fun Team: 营造一个愉快、有风度、令人愉快的环境.


各种学术项目咨询委员会也存在,为设计提供建议, development, implementation, evaluation, 职业发展路径中职业/技术计划的维护和修订.